Lonely, but for fellow bloggers…


It is hard to find people in this world who will try to understand just what PTSD is, let alone how it impacts your life.  Even people who love you are apt to know more about the president’s dog than PTSD.  Even if they read up on it, they may not understand it in an empathetic way since it is not something they experience.  There are days that I feel more understood by the cat than a dear friend.  (Of course, this is anthropomorphism — but heh, whatever gets me through the day… 😉 ) But, here at WordPress, I can find others who walk my path — who “get it” — because they are walking it too.  It may not be PTSD, but  instead depression, anxiety, OCD, DID, bi-polar disorder, or any number of mental and emotional health challenges.   But, we can understand each other because we have shared experiences. Some days, we write a post and feel heard when we see a “like” on it.  We press “like” when we find a post we can relate to.  Sometimes we even comment on each others blogs and share a thought or two.  We see others on the path sharing our journey.  The loneliness abates.  Other people’s ignorance is easier to bear.  There are others who understand and whom we understand and this is a very good thing.

36 thoughts on “Lonely, but for fellow bloggers…

    • I have a friend who is in much physical pain because of fibromyalgia and it makes her feel all alone sometimes too. I hope you are having a good day — probably not a day without pain, but with less pain. Thanks for writing in.


  1. Had I not found my blogging friends, I don’t know where I would be today. They understand…they support…they don’t judge….they have been where we have been. It’s truly a life-saver, I believe. Nameless, faceless sisters and brothers…who aren’t obligated to offer support due to blood or acquaintance….they are here because they are and have been “us.”

    Liked by 3 people

  2. With each nod of understanding, silently saying “i see you, i hear you”, the web grows larger. Keep on spinning, there’s no telling how many minds are reached. Deep in our hearts we yearn to both give and receive understanding. Sometimes it’s only a matter of time. And never giving up hope. Carry on!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Laura

    So true! I hear you and understand. No matter what our condition is from which we suffer, we relate to others who know such pain. Following you! Thanks for sharing!😃


  4. So well said!! Depression has no face, sometimes almost always, has a “mask”. It’s hard to live up to your own standards let alone prove it to anyone. Awareness & education is key, getting the word out, more recently with “high profile people” coming “out” honestly with their struggles. It seems to be working here in Canada with Clara Hughes – multi Gold, Silver & Bronze Olympian to brave it all on “Clara’s Big Ride” where she rode her bicycle all around Canada to raise awareness about Mental Health, along with Bell Let’s Talk campaign. Cheers for us all and lots of hope!!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. alfgarnet

    Totally agree with your blog.its nice to find other like minded bloggers and it certainly keeps one going just to know there are others that are not afraid to say it as it is ..to walk the walk….take care stay strong …xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I wrote a post about this very topic just yesterday. I also find that more often than not we end up writing about the same things at the same time which adds another level of connection. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

    Liked by 2 people